Resource Library

As part of The Thrive Center’s work to transform policies, practices, and perspectives, we’re curating papers, studies and reports published over the years and making them accessible to a wide audience of leaders.

Resource Library Menu

Infant & Early Childhood Development and Relational Health Resources

The Georgetown Model of Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation for School-Based Settings

“Racism Bleeds throughout this Entire Healthcare System”: Elevating Black Women’s Birth Stories in Washington, DC through A Racial Equity Lens

Supporting Young Children’s Social Emotional Development in DC Child Care Centers

Uncovering the Role of Racism in DC Reproductive Inequities

What to Expect and When to Seek Help: Bright Futures Developmental Tools for Families and Providers

Workforce Retention from the Home Visitor Perspective

Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Resources

Building Systems of Care: A Primer (2nd Edition)

Building Systems of Care: A Primer for Child Welfare

Designing a Recovery-Oriented Care Model for Adolescents and Transition Age Youth with Substance Use or Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders

Effective Strategies Checklist: Children and Youth with Developmental Disorders and Challenging Behavior

Emerging Adults Initiative (EAI; formerly know as Healthy Transitions Initiative) 2012 Grant Community Policy Meeting

Expanding Systems of Care: Improving the Lives of Children, Youth, and Families

Financing Brief: Implementation and Financing of Home and Community-Based Services for Children’s Mental Health

Financing Brief: Implementation of Health Reform for Children’s Mental Health

HTI Issue Brief 1: Impact at the Local Community Level

HTI Issue Brief 2: Policy Impact at the State Level

HTI Issue Brief 3: Youth and Young Adult Outcomes

Helping Families Support Their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Children

Issue Brief on Health Reform and Systems of Care

Leadership Academy 2012 Short Report

Learning Community Supports Interagency Planning for Youth with Co-occurring Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders

Public health approach to children’s mental health: A conceptual framework | Expanded Executive Summary

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Waiver Initiative (PRTF) Spring 2012 Impact Evaluation Short Report

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Waiver Initiative (PRTF) Spring 2012 Impact Executive Summary

Return on Investment in Systems of Care for Children With Behavioral Health Challenges

Return on Investment in Systems of Care for Children With Behavioral Health Challenges: Issue Brief

Strategies for Expanding the System of Care Approach: Issue Brief

Toolkit for Expanding the System of Care Approach

Trauma Informed Care: Perspectives and Resources

What to Expect and When to Seek Help: Bright Futures Developmental Tools for Families and Providers

What Works? A Study of Effective Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Programs

What’s Working? A Study of the Intersection of Family, Friend, and Neighbor Networks and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Wingspread Training 2011 4-Month Impact Survey Evaluation Short Report

Wingspread Training 2011 Evaluation Short Report

Equity and Cultural and Linguistic Competence Resources

A Guide for Using the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Family Organization Assessment Instrument (CLCFOA)

A Guide to Planning and Implementing Cultural Competence Organizational Self-Assessment

A Planner’s Guide…Infusing Principles, Content and Themes Related to Cultural and Linguistic Competence into Meetings and Conferences

African American Faith-Based Bereavement Initiative: Curriculum

Applying Cultural and Linguistic Competence to a Framework for Creating Learning Spaces for the Enhancement of Experiential Learning

Body/Mind/Spirit Toward a Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model of Health

Body/Mind/Spirit Toward a Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model of Health

Climate of the Learning Environment: Cultural and Linguistic Competence Checklist for MCH Training Program

Community Dialogues: Promoting Respectful Relationships and Equitable Communities

Community Engagement and Partnerships Improve Access to Medical Homes

Conscious and Unconscious Biases in Health Care

Families of Children With Special Health Care Needs Will Partner in Decision Making at All Levels, and Will Be Satisfied With the Services They Receive

All Children With Special Health Care Needs Will Receive Coordinated Ongoing Comprehensive Care Within a Medical Home

All Families of Children With Special Health Care Needs Will Have Adequate Private and/or Public Insurance to Pay for the Services They Need

All Children Will Be Screened Early and Continuously for Special Health Care Needs.

Services for Children With Special Health Care Needs and Their Families Will Be Organized in Ways That Families Can Use Them Easily

All Youth With Special Health Care Needs Will Receive the Services Necessary to Make Appropriate Transitions to Adult Health Care, Work, and Independence.

Costing of Norms-Shifting Interventions: A Primer from the Passages Project

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Health Practitioner Assessment

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA)

Cultural Competence: It All Starts at the Front Desk

Curricula Enhancement Module Series

Research: Cultural and Linguistic Competence Checklist for MCH Training Programs

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Family Organization Assessment (CLCFOA)

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Organizational Assessment Instrument for Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Programs (CLCOA-FIMR)

Deploying Roving Auxiliary Nurse Midwives in Nepal: Guidance and Lessons Learned from the FACT Project

Disparities in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services and Supports: Why Should We Focus on Disparities in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services and Supports? | En Español

Documenting the Implementation of Cultural and Linguistic Competence: A Guide for Maternal and Child Health Bureau Funded Training Programs

The Evidence Base for Cultural and Linguistic Competency in Health Care (written by NCCC faculty, published by The Commonwealth Fund)

Expanding Access to Family Planning- Group Learning & Counseling: Implementation Handbook

Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation (FACT): Fact Sheet

From Father to Father | En Español

From Research to Real Life: Increasing Visibility and Use of Family-to-Family Centers

Infusing Cultural and Linguistic Competence into Health Promotion Training

Integración o inclusión de niños con discapacidades en programas regulares de educación

Is Your Youth With Special Health Care Needs Prepared to Partner With the Medical Home?

Life Course Perspective for Families of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Mentoring – an Evidence-based Strategy to Increase the Number of Students and Faculty from Racial and Ethnic Groups Underrepresented in Maternal and Child Health Training Programs

Policy Brief: Addressing the Complex and Pernicious Problem of Disparities in Behavioral Health Care

Racism Drives the Maternal Health Crisis in Washington, DC:

Promising Practices

Promoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural and Linguistic Competency: Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to LGBTQ Youth and their Families

Promoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural and Linguistic Competency: Self-Assessment Checklist for Staff of Residential Programs Providing Behavioral Health Services and Supports to Children, Youth, and their Families

A Review of the Literature— Mentoring: An Evidence-based Strategy to Increase Diversity Among Students and Faculty from Racial and Ethnic Groups Underrepresented in Maternal and Child Health Training Programs

Strategies for Incorporation of Cultural and Linguistic Competence Into Training Programs (Excerpt from Curricula Enhancement Module Series)

Toolkit for Community Health Providers: Engaging Ethnic Media to Inform Communities about Safe Infant Sleep

Transition: Cultural and Linguistic Competence Checklist for Medical Home Teams

Youth & Family Perspectives on Transition

Disability Resources

Beyond Forest Haven

The Embedding Cultural Diversity and Cultural and Linguistic Competence: A Guide for UCEDD Curricula and Training Activities Project

Family Food and Fitness: A Guide to Healthy Eating and Exercise

GEORGE: Preparing Future Early Interventionists in the Natural Environment

Building a Partnership With Your Child’s Doctor | En Español: Cómo Pueden Trabajar Juntos Uested y el Doctor de su Hijo(a)

Creating a Health Notebook for Your Child | En Español: Como Crear Una Libreta de Salud Para su Hijo(a)

Getting the Assistive Technology Your Child Needs: How Your Primary Care Provider Can Help | En Español: Cómo Recibir la Asistencia Tecnológica Que Su Hijo(a) y Cómo su Doctor Primario Puede Ayudar

It Takes a Village! Finding the Community Resources Your Child Needs | En Español: Necesitamos una Comunidad: Como Encontrar los Recursos en la Comunidad Que su Hijo(a) Necesita

Making the Change: From Children through Adolescence to Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs | En Español: Haciendo el Cambio: De Niños, a Adolescentes, a Adultos con Necesidades Especiales de Salud

A Medical Home — Not Just a Place | En Español: Un Hogar Médico — Es Mas Que un Lugar

Sample Parenting Skills Teaching Plan

SENSAtional Ideas